"The Maca FACA"
1 teaspoon Maca Powder
1 tablespoon Raw Cacao Powder
1/4 teaspoon DoMatcha Green Tea Powder
1 to 1 1/2 cup Almond Milk (easy to make your own)
1 teaspoon raw honey
dash of cayenne pepper
In a blender (Magic Bullet works great for this small job) mix all ingredients until well combined.
Adjust the Matcha Green Tea Powder as needed to keep yourself caffeinated.
For most ¼ teaspoon in combination with the Maca and raw chocolate is plenty, but there is no need to suffer through the transition.
Maca is an adaptogen and will help you through the change.
It is also a stimulant that helps with focus and mental clarity (and some say sexual prowess- bonus!).