Чесночная маска
Garlic is a well known ingredient in cooking. Knowing for quite a long time that garlic has numerous medicinal and curing properties over its commonly known utilize for consumption, this plant is a nearby relative of the onion, chive, shallot, rakkyo, and leek. It is native in central Asia where people harvest the whole garlic plant as a food source with excellent wellbeing and beauty advantages. By introducing garlic into one’s eating regimen, it will be a great way to help with warding off such things as high cholesterol, certain cancers, and the common cold. It is likewise an effective natural exfoliant.
To give yourself a garlic treatment in order to reduce the indications of maturing, it is important to assemble what you will need. For this method you will need the following ingredients as a small clove of garlic, white clay, honey, cold water, towel, a spoon, a bowl, and a grinding device.
You should follow the easy steps below and to experience this natural cleansing for yourself.
The main thing to do is grind or smash up the clove of garlic into a paste.
Add one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of white clay. Blend altogether.
Pull and secure hair far from face and apply the blend to the whole area that you are treating.
Leave this blend to stay on the skin for a time ranging from 10 minutes to overnight.
Wash off all residues from face with cold water. This treatment is sufficiently safe to utilize each day if necessary.
This common purifying method is exceptionally successful and to some degree odorous. It is important to endure the strong odor of garlic all through this procedure, yet the result is certainly worth the trouble.