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Better Than Botox Facial Scrub
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DIY (anti-wrinkle & skin-firming) Facial Scrub
1 tablespoon baking soda
½ tablespoon raw Manuka honey (Manuka honey has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties for the skin)
1 drop of therapeutic grade lavender essential oil
1 drop therapeutic grade frankincense essential oil
1 drop of therapeutic geranium essential oil
Combine the baking soda and honey together until it looks like a paste. Add one drop each of lavender, geranium and frankincense essential oils.
Place a warm washcloth over your face and hold on skin for a minute or so to open up your pores.
Gently rub face with facial scrub using small circular motions (be gentle with your skin!). Keep massaging skin with scrub for 3-5 minutes to fully remove dead skin from face and to let the essential oils work their magic.
Rinse off with warm water.
Your face may be red for a bit but this will wear off.
Use this scrub no more than 1-2 times a week.
Healing Chicken Bone Broth
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Now for my SUPER BOTOX hint: Glowing skin originates from inside the body so here is my number one tip for healthy, firm skin. Drink a cup of my tasty bone broth daily. Bone broth (let’s call it Botox broth from now on, shall we?) contains natural collagen that works to improve skin quality. The collagen protein is too large to be absorbed by the skin so those anti-aging lotions and potions are selling you false advertising! To truly get the benefits of collagen you must take it internally through food and drink. Think of bone broth as your Botox in a mug! Want a little extra natural collagen? Add this grass-fed gelatin to your coffee, smoothies or even your cup of broth! You can also use this gelatin to make my homemade fruit snacks.
Prep time
15 mins
Cook time
8 hours
Total time
8 hours 15 mins
Healing Chicken Bone Broth (Makes 6-ish quarts) In a large stock pot (12 quarts or more) add the following ORGANIC vegetables (you want to avoid pesticides in your broth):
Author: Kula Mama
Recipe type: Broth
Serves: 4
4 unpeeled organic carrots, cut into halves or thirds
2 unpeeled organic onions, cut in quarters
4-5 organic celery stalks, cut into halves or thirds
4-5 organic red or yukon potatoes, cut into quarters
2 organic sweet potatoes or yams, quartered
6-10 unpeeled garlic cloves, cut in half
1 organic chicken carcass, or the equivalent in chicken bones
1 tablespoon lemon or raw apple cider vinegar (this is needed to pull minerals from chicken bones)
½ cup fresh rosemary
1 bay leaf
1 piece of kombu
2 teaspoons sea salt
Wash all vegetables, but leave their skins on. In a large stock pot (12 quarts or more) place all ingredients and then fill the pot with filtered water until the vegetables are covered in water. You want a few inches between the vegetables and the rim of the pot so it doesn’t boil over.
Bring pot to a boil and then simmer for 2-8 hours. The longer you simmer, the better. Not only will the flavor taste better, but also the broth will contain more minerals the longer is simmers. Skim the fat off the top as you simmer with a paper towel. Add water when your vegetables start to peak through.
When you have simmered long enough, strain broth through a fine mesh colander or strainer into a heat proof container (we use glass). Allow to cool to room temperature before storing in fridge or freezer. Skim more fat off the top as it cools (if making a chicken broth). I keep several containers in our freezer so I can make soup at any time!
Note: If I am in a hurry and don’t have all the above ingredients a basic stock can be made with chicken bones, vinegar/lemon, onion, carrots and celery. The rosemary adds nice flavor and the kombu is important for trace minerals. Also it is best to use organic vegetables but if you don’t have organic vegetables wash and peel conventional produce.kulamama.com/bone-broth/
Spring Detoxymel Одуванчик
читать дальшеIngredients
1 cup of apple cider vinegar
½ cup of honey
3 heaping tablespoons of dandelion root
Measure out the dandelion root to fill a ½ pint Mason jar 1/3 of the way.
On a stove, bring the apple cider vinegar and root to a simmer.
Simmer for 10-20 minutes.
Remove from heat, and while warm add the honey.
Cover the jar and shake.
You can store your oxymel in a cool dark place, and take one to two tablespoons daily.
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DIY (anti-wrinkle & skin-firming) Facial Scrub
1 tablespoon baking soda
½ tablespoon raw Manuka honey (Manuka honey has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties for the skin)
1 drop of therapeutic grade lavender essential oil
1 drop therapeutic grade frankincense essential oil
1 drop of therapeutic geranium essential oil
Combine the baking soda and honey together until it looks like a paste. Add one drop each of lavender, geranium and frankincense essential oils.
Place a warm washcloth over your face and hold on skin for a minute or so to open up your pores.
Gently rub face with facial scrub using small circular motions (be gentle with your skin!). Keep massaging skin with scrub for 3-5 minutes to fully remove dead skin from face and to let the essential oils work their magic.
Rinse off with warm water.
Your face may be red for a bit but this will wear off.
Use this scrub no more than 1-2 times a week.
Healing Chicken Bone Broth
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Now for my SUPER BOTOX hint: Glowing skin originates from inside the body so here is my number one tip for healthy, firm skin. Drink a cup of my tasty bone broth daily. Bone broth (let’s call it Botox broth from now on, shall we?) contains natural collagen that works to improve skin quality. The collagen protein is too large to be absorbed by the skin so those anti-aging lotions and potions are selling you false advertising! To truly get the benefits of collagen you must take it internally through food and drink. Think of bone broth as your Botox in a mug! Want a little extra natural collagen? Add this grass-fed gelatin to your coffee, smoothies or even your cup of broth! You can also use this gelatin to make my homemade fruit snacks.
Prep time
15 mins
Cook time
8 hours
Total time
8 hours 15 mins
Healing Chicken Bone Broth (Makes 6-ish quarts) In a large stock pot (12 quarts or more) add the following ORGANIC vegetables (you want to avoid pesticides in your broth):
Author: Kula Mama
Recipe type: Broth
Serves: 4
4 unpeeled organic carrots, cut into halves or thirds
2 unpeeled organic onions, cut in quarters
4-5 organic celery stalks, cut into halves or thirds
4-5 organic red or yukon potatoes, cut into quarters
2 organic sweet potatoes or yams, quartered
6-10 unpeeled garlic cloves, cut in half
1 organic chicken carcass, or the equivalent in chicken bones
1 tablespoon lemon or raw apple cider vinegar (this is needed to pull minerals from chicken bones)
½ cup fresh rosemary
1 bay leaf
1 piece of kombu
2 teaspoons sea salt
Wash all vegetables, but leave their skins on. In a large stock pot (12 quarts or more) place all ingredients and then fill the pot with filtered water until the vegetables are covered in water. You want a few inches between the vegetables and the rim of the pot so it doesn’t boil over.
Bring pot to a boil and then simmer for 2-8 hours. The longer you simmer, the better. Not only will the flavor taste better, but also the broth will contain more minerals the longer is simmers. Skim the fat off the top as you simmer with a paper towel. Add water when your vegetables start to peak through.
When you have simmered long enough, strain broth through a fine mesh colander or strainer into a heat proof container (we use glass). Allow to cool to room temperature before storing in fridge or freezer. Skim more fat off the top as it cools (if making a chicken broth). I keep several containers in our freezer so I can make soup at any time!
Note: If I am in a hurry and don’t have all the above ingredients a basic stock can be made with chicken bones, vinegar/lemon, onion, carrots and celery. The rosemary adds nice flavor and the kombu is important for trace minerals. Also it is best to use organic vegetables but if you don’t have organic vegetables wash and peel conventional produce.kulamama.com/bone-broth/
Spring Detoxymel Одуванчик
читать дальшеIngredients
1 cup of apple cider vinegar
½ cup of honey
3 heaping tablespoons of dandelion root
Measure out the dandelion root to fill a ½ pint Mason jar 1/3 of the way.
On a stove, bring the apple cider vinegar and root to a simmer.
Simmer for 10-20 minutes.
Remove from heat, and while warm add the honey.
Cover the jar and shake.
You can store your oxymel in a cool dark place, and take one to two tablespoons daily.