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Маски против черных точек и забитых пор
You can make an egg white mask to treat your pores. This mask will not only remove blackheads on your nose, but it will also stop possible future outbreaks. Abundant in nutrients, egg whites are great for your skin.
You need:
one egg;
a clean towel;
a small bowl;
some toilet paper or a facial tissue.
You do:
Separate the yolk from the white.
Wash your face.
Pat your face dry.
Apply the egg white on your skin in a thin layer.
Put the toilet paper or facial tissue on the white portion pressing your face gently.
Leave it for some time until the layer dries.
Now apply a second layer over the paper or tissue; these shouldn’t slide.
Leave it some more time until this layer dries too.
Optionally, you can also apply a third layer.
When your mask is dry, your face will feel tight.
Peel off the mask, and get rid of any residue.
Pat your face dry. Apply some moisturizer.
Cinnamon and honey is a very powerful combination due to the high content of anti-bacterial agents in honey which guard against acne-causing bacteria. Plus, this treatment will remove anything clogging your pores. Cinnamon, on the other hand, stimulates circulation. In the end you will get radiant, healthy, smooth, and blackhead free skin.
You need:
organic and raw honey;
cinnamon powder;
clean cotton strips.
You do:
Blend the cinnamon and honey together.
Apply a layer on your blackheads, keeping the layer thin.
Press a cotton strip over it.
Leave it for three to five minutes.
Remove the strip and wash your face.
Apply some moisturizer.
Sometimes, decent exfoliating and moisturizing is all you need. Exfoliating actually removes dead skin cells clogging your pores. Thus, you’ll get better circulation, along with radiant skin. Use jojoba oil as it is similar to the body’s own sebum. Except for jojoba oil, olive, grape seed or sweet almond oil are also recommended.
You need:
4 tbsp jojoba oil;
1 cup white or brown sugar;
one airtight glass jar;
some essential oil (optional).
You do:
Stir the jojoba oil and sugar until they blend well.
In case you like a fragrance, add some essential oil to it. A few drops will do.
Put the mixture in a glass jar, storing it in a dark and cool place.
Stir the mixture before applying it.
Always apply it on a wet face.
Massage your skin slowly in circular motions.
Leave it on for half an hour.
Wash it off with water.
Apply some moisturizer.
Note: Don’t use this scrub for more than twice a week as it can lead to skin irritation.
As lemon juice is abundant in certain vitamins and nutrients that are highly efficient against blackheads, this scrub is great for this skin issue.
You need:
some lemon juice;
some honey;
some yogurt;
a pinch of salt;
rosewater or milk;
a jar or a bowl.
You do:
Mix the honey, yogurt, salt and lemon juice.
Applying the mixture evenly, scrub the affected area on your skin.
You can also make a facial cleanser by mixing rosewater or milk with lemon juice.
Use this treatment every day, for up to 10-12 days.
It’s widely known that green tea is great for your health in so many different ways. Not only can it improve brain function, but it can also stimulate weight loss, reduce the risk of various types of cancer, lowers the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, improves dental health, and fight type 2 diabetes. Plus, green tea is amazing in treatment of blackheads.
You need:
green tea leaves;
a teaspoon;
a soft towel or napkin;
a bowl.
You do:
Put dry green tea leaves in a bowl. One tablespoon should be enough.
Pour some water.
Create a paste by mixing these two.
Rub this paste over the blackheads for 2 to 3 minutes.
Wash off with lukewarm water.
Pat dry with a soft towel or napkin.
This scrub is excellent for deep cleaning oily skin and unclogging pores.
- See more at: www.healthyfoodteam.com/how-to-get-rid-of-black...
You can make an egg white mask to treat your pores. This mask will not only remove blackheads on your nose, but it will also stop possible future outbreaks. Abundant in nutrients, egg whites are great for your skin.
You need:
one egg;
a clean towel;
a small bowl;
some toilet paper or a facial tissue.
You do:
Separate the yolk from the white.
Wash your face.
Pat your face dry.
Apply the egg white on your skin in a thin layer.
Put the toilet paper or facial tissue on the white portion pressing your face gently.
Leave it for some time until the layer dries.
Now apply a second layer over the paper or tissue; these shouldn’t slide.
Leave it some more time until this layer dries too.
Optionally, you can also apply a third layer.
When your mask is dry, your face will feel tight.
Peel off the mask, and get rid of any residue.
Pat your face dry. Apply some moisturizer.
Cinnamon and honey is a very powerful combination due to the high content of anti-bacterial agents in honey which guard against acne-causing bacteria. Plus, this treatment will remove anything clogging your pores. Cinnamon, on the other hand, stimulates circulation. In the end you will get radiant, healthy, smooth, and blackhead free skin.
You need:
organic and raw honey;
cinnamon powder;
clean cotton strips.
You do:
Blend the cinnamon and honey together.
Apply a layer on your blackheads, keeping the layer thin.
Press a cotton strip over it.
Leave it for three to five minutes.
Remove the strip and wash your face.
Apply some moisturizer.
Sometimes, decent exfoliating and moisturizing is all you need. Exfoliating actually removes dead skin cells clogging your pores. Thus, you’ll get better circulation, along with radiant skin. Use jojoba oil as it is similar to the body’s own sebum. Except for jojoba oil, olive, grape seed or sweet almond oil are also recommended.
You need:
4 tbsp jojoba oil;
1 cup white or brown sugar;
one airtight glass jar;
some essential oil (optional).
You do:
Stir the jojoba oil and sugar until they blend well.
In case you like a fragrance, add some essential oil to it. A few drops will do.
Put the mixture in a glass jar, storing it in a dark and cool place.
Stir the mixture before applying it.
Always apply it on a wet face.
Massage your skin slowly in circular motions.
Leave it on for half an hour.
Wash it off with water.
Apply some moisturizer.
Note: Don’t use this scrub for more than twice a week as it can lead to skin irritation.
As lemon juice is abundant in certain vitamins and nutrients that are highly efficient against blackheads, this scrub is great for this skin issue.
You need:
some lemon juice;
some honey;
some yogurt;
a pinch of salt;
rosewater or milk;
a jar or a bowl.
You do:
Mix the honey, yogurt, salt and lemon juice.
Applying the mixture evenly, scrub the affected area on your skin.
You can also make a facial cleanser by mixing rosewater or milk with lemon juice.
Use this treatment every day, for up to 10-12 days.
It’s widely known that green tea is great for your health in so many different ways. Not only can it improve brain function, but it can also stimulate weight loss, reduce the risk of various types of cancer, lowers the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, improves dental health, and fight type 2 diabetes. Plus, green tea is amazing in treatment of blackheads.
You need:
green tea leaves;
a teaspoon;
a soft towel or napkin;
a bowl.
You do:
Put dry green tea leaves in a bowl. One tablespoon should be enough.
Pour some water.
Create a paste by mixing these two.
Rub this paste over the blackheads for 2 to 3 minutes.
Wash off with lukewarm water.
Pat dry with a soft towel or napkin.
This scrub is excellent for deep cleaning oily skin and unclogging pores.
- See more at: www.healthyfoodteam.com/how-to-get-rid-of-black...
@темы: Beauty